Data element whose value is expressed as a code that gives specific meaning to the function of another data element or a segment.
Totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. Note: The ISO 9000 standards on quality management and quality assurance consist of 4 standards: 9000 guidelines for selection and use, 9001 model for quality assurance in design/development, 9002 model for quality assurance in production and installation, 9003 model for quality assurance in final inspection and test, and 9004 guidelines for quality management and quality system elements.
All those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that a product or service satisfies given requirements for quality.
Operational techniques and activities that are used to fulfil requirements for quality.
Unit rate which is lower than the normal rate and applies to shipments meeting specific weight requirements (air cargo).
Rate which applies for carriage over the lines of two or more carriers and which is published as single amount (air cargo).
Period during which an arriving vessel, including its equipment, cargo, crew or passengers, suspected to carry or carrying a contagious disease is detained in strict isolation to prevent the spread of such a disease.
That part of a wharf which is intended for the mooring of vessels.
Period of time between the moment at which one is ready for an activity to start and the moment at which this activity can actually begin.
System of controlling imports, exports or production by specifying a certain limitation.
Free offer to sell goods at a stated price and under specified conditions.
Date from which a quotation price is no longer valid.